On March 13, we were finally able to get in touch with the shelter in Ibaraki and drove up there with rescue supplies. Because the freeway was closed, it took seven hours to get there, when it normaly takes less than two. As we had to return the rental car that same night and drop off the dogs that we brought back with us, we were wor...king against time. I have experianced being in an earthquake zone when I lived in LA, so I know well how people in a disaster area feel with no water no gas. There are some organizations who collect contributions from the government and distribute them later, but sometimes prompt action is needed in the event of an emargency, and aid supplies like warm food is more important than money. You need to have experience to go into disaster-stricken area as invasion by people who have no knowledge can be very dangerous. However, we believe that in some situations there are something we could do before waiting for aid from the government. Thus we try to continue to rescue pets. We just want you to know there are people, dogs and cats that have a chance of survival with your hearty support .3月13日茨城県のシェルターとやっとコンタクトが取れ、救援 物資を車載して行ってきました。高速は全く使えず、行きだけで2 時間かからないところ、約7時間。レンタカーだったので、返す時 間もあったし、焦りました。ロサンゼルスで大地震を経験している ので、水もない、ガスも出ない被災地の不安は痛い程わかります。 政府と連携してと寄付を募る団体もありますが、迅速な対応こそ、 緊急時には必要なのです。それに、お金よりも被災者に必要なもの があります。温かい食べ物、少しでも安心できる物資の提供。
私達は、被災地域へ入る事は、かなりの経験も必要です。被災地域 へ入った事のない人同士の被災地への侵入は大変きけんです。しか し、政府の支援を待たずともできるこがあり、それは時として、本 当に必要なことでもあります。これからも支援を続けたいと思いま す。皆様の温かい支援が集まれば集まる程、助かる犬や猫、安心で きる人達がいることをまずは知ってください。by akikofujimura
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