Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Account info. for Animal Friends Niigata / アニマル・フレンズ・新潟 口座番号

Please send your donations to

P.O. Account Number 11240-22316841
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata (アニマル・フレンズ・新潟)


P.O. Account Number 00510-6-61632
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata (アニマル・フレンズ・新潟)


The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Niigata Branch
Account no: 0056934
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata





ガラオン青木 イザベラさんはARKの長年のよき友人です。彼女は病気や老齢または大きすぎるといった理由でどの動物福祉団体からも見捨てられた動物たちを引き取ってい ます。

イザベラさんはARKからもたくさんの動物たちを引き取ってくださっています。また日本中の団体から動物たちを引き取り素晴らしい里親さん たちを見つけてくださっているのです。現在イザベラさんは大変難しい局面に立たされています。ARKではこの状況を確認するため新潟にあるイザベラさんの 施設を訪問しました。

アニマルフレンズ新潟は2008年に設立された動物レスキュー団体です。過去2年で250頭ほどの動物を保健所から助け出しました。そのう ち150頭に里親を見つけました。彼女はそういった動物たちを自ら引き取り里親さんたちを見つけることに成功しています。

残念ながら彼女の施設があるエリアが造成されることになり、法的な争いに巻き込まれてしまいました。2010年5月10日のヒヤリングでは イザベラさんの主張が認められたものの土地代の差額としてかなり高額な支払いを余技なくされています。施設の存続のためには7月末までにこの支払いをすま せなくてはなりません。もし支払いが出来ない場合は立ち退きを迫られ、その結果として動物たちは行き場を失くしてしまうのです。

* * * * * *

アラシ(秋田犬、ブリンドル)は保健所に収容されていましたがその大きさゆえ引取希望者はいませんでした。アラシの後ろにいるのがフブキです。私 はこの大きく優しい犬たちを連れて彼らの散歩コースである林や水田脇を歩きましたがどちらも引っ張ることもなく、野良猫を見つけても追いかけるそぶりさえ 見せませんでした。こうした訓練はイザベラさんのように経験と知識のあるもののみに可能なことなのです。


パピヨンのシンシアです。彼女もまた保健所に収容されていましたがフィラリアを患っていたため引き取り手がいませんでした。現在彼女はアニマルフ レンズの営業部長として活躍中です。




イザべラさんは猫エイズと診断された、行き場のない猫たちを保護しています。ジジー(左)とエバン(右)は猫エイズと診断されました。ジジーはア ニマルガーデンの傍で捕獲されました。エバンはボランティアさんに保護され、今は倉庫に住み着いています。大好物はドッグフード。


イザべラさんは家族が世話をしきれなくて、保健所に持ち込まれた老犬のお世話をしています。写真(上)は小五郎と小次郎。2匹とも健康に問題があ り、10歳を超えています。ツネ(下)は高齢だけど健康な女の子。今では小五郎の良きパートナー。


風呂上りのさっぱりとしたタイショーとハヤテです。イザベラさんが保護するまで彼らは別々の保健所で死を待つのみでした。今では大親友のタ イショーとハヤテ。他の人にもとても優しいこの2匹がイザベラさんをどれだけ愛しているかは一目瞭然です。
* * * * *

皆さんどうか私たちのお願いをきいてください。そしてアニマルフレンズ新潟を助けてください。皆さんの手助けによってイザベラさんたちは今 後もレスキューを続けることができます。イザベラさんは今まで何百匹という動物たちの命を救ってきました。何人もの困った人たちをそして彼らのペットを 救ってきたのです。今度は私たちがイザベラさんたちを助ける番です。イザベラさんのために寄付をお願いいたします。


イザベラはいつでもみんなから見捨てられ死を待つしかない動物たちのためにがんばっています。今私の同志であるイザベラは 私たちの助けを必要としています。助けを待っている動物たちを救うという大きな使命を続けるために。どうかアニマルフレンズ新潟の未来のために力を貸して ください。

お手伝いをしてくださる方はtokyoark@arkbark.net までご連絡ください。


三菱東京UFJ銀行 新潟支店 普通口座:0056934

10,000円以上寄付をしていただいた方にはアニマルフレンズ新潟オリジナルのポストカードセットを送らせていただきます。郵便振込の用 紙には住所が記載されないためポストカード希望の方はお手数ですが tokyoark@arkbark.net まで住所・氏名・振込金額をご連絡ください。


Animal Friends Niigata Needs Your Help!


Animal Friends Niigata Needs Your Help!

See Isabella's facilities on You Tube!

Isabella Gallaon Aoki, a long-time friend of ARK, takes in the animals that other welfare organizations can not or will not care for – the sick, the old, and the extra large.

Isabella has taken in dozens of animals for ARK and other organizations throughout the country, and she has found them good homes. Now, ARK has learned that her facility is facing difficulties. We have also faced many hard times and decided to take a trip to Isabella's shelter in Niigata to see what was happening.

Animal Friends Niigata was begun in 2008 and in the past two years it has worked with volunteers to rescue some 250 animals from animal-control centers. A total of 150 of these animals, most of which were refused by other groups, were able to be rehomed.

Unfortunately, a legal dispute surrounding the land the animals are housed on developed. Animal Friends won the case in a hearing on May 10, 2010 but now is forced to pay a considerable amount more for the land.

The group is in desperate need of funds in order to make the increased payment on the land and keep the facility operating. The money is needed by the end of July.

If the payment is not met, Animal Friends will be forced to leave the property. As a result, many of the animals will have nowhere to go.

* * * * * *
From left: Isabella, Fubuki and Arashi

Arashi, (Akita, brindle) was in the pound and rejected by everyone because of his size. Behind Arashi is Fubuki. I walked with these gentle giants and neither pulled on the leash or even chased the local cat. We walked among the trees and through the rice paddies on a course taken every day by the rescue animals. Isabella, with her experience and knowledge, is one of the few people that can help these animals.

Cynthia greeting visitors to the office

Meet Cynthia, a Papillon. She was at the pound and rejected by other rescue groups because she has heartworm. Cynthia has taken on the role of sales manager at Animal Friends.

Cat area

The cat wing of the shelter is a feline heaven -- with sunny, airy indoor and outdoor areas. Many of the cats have come from animal control centers as adults since most rescue groups only care to take in kittens.

Cats with feline AIDS

Isabella takes in cats that have been diagnosed with feline AIDS and have nowhere else to go. Gigi (left) and Evan (right) are two such cats. Gigi was rescued by Animal Garden and Evan was rescued by another volunteer organization. Evan is currently living in the storage area and he loves dog food.

Taking care of older dogs

Isabella also takes care of older dogs whose families could no longer care for them and who were sent to an animal control center to be killed. The dogs at the top are Kogoro and Kojiro who are both over 10 years old with health problems. The dog at the bottom is Tsune, an elderly female with no health problems, who is good friends with Kogoro.

Isabella, Taisho and Hayate

Freshly bathed Taisho and Hayate are two male Akitas. They were also on death row at separate animal control centers until Isabella agreed to take them in. These two massive dogs are the best of friends. They are very gentle with people and clearly love Isabella.
* * * * *

Please help us in this appeal so that Animal Friends can continue to do its rescue work. Isabella, her family and staff and the work they do is little short of incredible. They have saved the lives of hundreds of animals and helped many people and their pets get through difficult times. It is our turn to help them now. Donations are greatly needed.

A message from Elizabeth Oliver

Isabella is out there, a fellow spirit, taking in animals on death row or ones that others have rejected. She needs our help now to secure the place where she can continue her valuable work in rescuing animals in need. Please give generously to the future of Animal Friends Niigata.

If you can help in any way please contact tokyoark@arkbark.net

Please send your donations to
P.O. Account Number 11240-22316841
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata (アニマル・フレンズ・新潟)
P.O. Account Number 00510-6-61632
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata (アニマル・フレンズ・新潟)

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Niigata Branch
Account no: 0056934
Account name: Animal Friends Niigata

Please be sure to give us your contact details so we can thank you and keep you updated. A special pack of four original Animal Friends postcards (see below) will be sent to each person who donates 10,000 yen or more.

Thank you!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Babe got a bilingual page at Angels with Fur Japan

Thanks Angels with Fur Japan and Toby! On the web, because 'coverage' is everything, I have mirrored that page here and will continue to mirror pages from their blog that deal with finding new homes for cats.



Location: Fukui-ken, Fukui-shi [福井県福井市]

Male (neutered) [猫オス]  Age 1 year [1歳]

Special characteristics and personality [特徴]:

Babe is a mostly white cat with patches of striped gray. Babe is a bit shy when he first meets someone, but is very affectionate and playful once he knows them. He is a very high energy cat and loves to play. He will play ‘fetch’ with me hours at a time. He has got along well with all the cats he has been paired with, including Pongo, a male cat who is a little older who became his adopted brother for a while. Pongo has found a new family, but Babe is still waiting (and misses Pongo a lot). If an owner thinks that they will be absent for long periods during the day, Babe is the sort of cat who will get bored being left by himself. So he would make a very good male-female cat pair because he gets along well with other cats, and this way he would not get bored if no people are around for hours at a time.

In short, Babe loves people and other cats. You can see him play fetch with me in my office at the youtube links below:

[名前は「ベーブ」と言います。毛色は大分白でちょっとシャイ性格ですが、なれたら、甘えん坊です。]ベーブチャンは、日本の雑種の猫ですけれど も、多分オリエンタル種類入ってるから遊び大好きです。たとえば、フェッチ遊ぶのが好き。 フェッチ遊ぶを見られる動画は:]

Babe has been neutered and vaccinated and has passed his health exam. [去勢、ワクチン、ウイルス検査陰性で す。]

Why Babe needs to find a permanent family [経緯]:

I have been trying to help all the feral and stray cats who end up living on my university campus. I can only take in one cat at a time in order to make sure they are healthy, socialized to people, and are ready for adoption. If Babe finds a good family to love and who loves him, I can move on to finding a home for the next candidate. I have found good homes for 10 cats so far. If you decide to adopt Babe and find him unsuitable for any reason, you can return him to me. What is important is he find a good home for the rest of his life.

[市内のキャンパスに捨てられているところを保護しました。私のところでは既に8匹の捨て猫を保護しているためこれ以上は困難と思い里親になってい ただける 方 を探しています。]

Other considerations etc.[その他]:

I will be happy to bring Babe to places outside of Fukui Prefecture. That would be places like Toyama, Ishikawa, Gifu, Shiga, Kyoto, and Osaka.

Babe’s sponsor [掲載者]:
Charles Jannuzi
Tel: 0776-27-7102

Friday, July 2, 2010

MII-CHAN /ミーちゃん 里親募集中

MII-CHAN /ミーちゃん

Mii-chan is a female about 1 ½ years [猫メス1.5才くらい]

Personality, characteristics [特徴]

Mii is a grey and white tabby with very large eyes. She is
usually a very calm and quiet cat. She likes to be cuddled, and
she doesn't scratch or bite.


She has been spayed and passed her health exam, including
virus screening.

[避妊、ワクチ ン、ウイルス検査陰性です。]

Why she needs a new family [経緯]

I am trying to help as many of the campus cats as possible—
ferals and hard strays. Right now I am keeping Mii-chan and
Babe so that they stay healthy and can be adopted. If I can
find homes for them, I can then help at least 5 more cats who
are suitable for adoption. I will deliver Mii to places outside of
Fukui because I want her to have a safe and happy home. And,
if she doesn't work out for whatever reason, you may return
her to me. I just want her to have the best life possible from
here on in.

[市内のキャンパスに捨てられているところを保護しました。私のところでは既に8匹の捨て猫を保護しているためこれ以上は困難と思い里親になっていただける方 を探しています。]

Sponsor [掲載者]

Charles Jannuzi [チャールズ・ジャヌッツイ]





Tohoku Dog and Cat Rescue

Babe the amazing fetching cat!


Go back to the front page of We are Feral Cats by clicking on dreaming Elvis.