Sunday, March 18, 2012



These four cats are the ones who are still outdoors. I have also sponsored other cats who are now being fed by families near the campus--that would include Toto, Tonio and Richie. And I have a cat with a foster home, Bibi. But these four cats all live outdoors and more or less depend on me. They are Willie, Sheba, Gus and Buddy.


 Willie is a cat who also goes to a house down the street to be fed, but spends most of his time near the tennis courts. I believe he is another son of Bootsie-mama. He seems to be blind in his right eye, and I would like to bring him inside soon, in hopes that he can fit into the space where Bootsie-mama, Pancho and Tiger Baby are (although I would keep them separate at first and introduce them in a careful way).  I estimate Willie to be the same age as Pancho--5 years.


Sheba is a 5 year old female (now spayed) and the 'boss' of the campus gang of cats (which is down to three permanent members--Sheba, Gus and Buddy--with occasional visitors, such as an orange-and-white male I call George). She is brother to Gus (she is a longhair black-and-white, while Gus is shorthair black-and-white) and she likes Buddy (a black cat) and has allowed him to join the 'gang'.


Gus is Sheba's brother, but his personality is quite different. Sheba allows me to pet and groom her (which she needs every year before it gets hot), but doesn't like being held. Gus loves to be held (so long as there are no other people around), and he is not 'bossy' like his sister. They are very closely bonded and even wait for each other at dinner time to come and eat. Gus is somewhat timid and disappears on the days when sports clubs are active in the area where he, Sheba and Buddy live. All three are feral cats, but are quite used to me and could adapt well to indoor living. I think the key is to keep them together, since they are so closely bonded. I would like to bring them inside soon.


Buddy is one year younger than Sheba and Gus, so he is probably 4 years old. He has a brother who is also all-black who lives near campus--Richie, who spends his time with his own gang, which includes Tonio and Toto. I have got all of these male cats fixed, and the two groups overlap because Richie comes to visit the campus cats, and Gus and Buddy often go to visit Richie (although Tonio doesn't like them so much). Buddy has bonded very closely with Sheba and Gus now and spends most of this time with them, helping them to hold the territory around the gym and swimming pool. Late last year they seemed to accept an orange-and-white, George, but George went somewhere else for the winter. I wouldn't be surprised to see him back this spring. He too has been neutered.   

Sheba, Gus, Buddy having mealtime together.

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Tohoku Dog and Cat Rescue

Babe the amazing fetching cat!


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