Monday, December 13, 2010

Photo retrospective of Caramel, one of the all-time favorite campus cats

Caramel, brother of Orange Blossom and son of Ragi-Mama, has been missing since late March this year. We have to assume the worst. We have searched much of Fukui City and found some cats that look a bit like Caramel, but no Caramel. It seems quite likely that Caramel left campus on the north side (he and Ragi-Mama did this frequently when there was a lot of noisy construction in their area) and was struck and killed by a car on a busy street, such as the Nishi-kanjo-sen street. He would have been especially vulnerable during the early morning hours, before rush hour, when people speed on the streets.

Here are some of our favorite photos of this wonderful cat. Looking at them you can see his character and why he was such a likable cat. Caramel always loved to pose for photos. We miss you guy! The last photo is of Orange Blossom (the orange tabby) with his brother in the summer of 2009.


  1. What a sweetie. My two feral boys have disappeared too... Here's to a more compassionate future! I still dare to believe in it :-)

  2. Caramel was (or I hope, still is) a classic orange-and-white tabby. He was the best 'mouser' on campus too, very skilled at hunting down the rodents. He was a very devoted son, too, staying with Ragi-Mama to help her hold a feeding and sleeping territory. He wasn't as big as his cousin Shaun, nor as strong as his brother O.B., but O.B. always accepted him as 'boss'. O.B. still walks around at night trying to call him out for a hunt or to play.

    Sorry to hear about the two guys you were trying to look after. It's a rough life out there for our ferals.






Tohoku Dog and Cat Rescue

Babe the amazing fetching cat!


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